We are a lighting startup based in Venice, Italy.
We believe in the power of light: light enhances the beauty of our homes and drives our mood, because our brain compares interior lighting with our experience of natural daylight. Beautifully lit spaces magnify their appeal and elegance and generate profound emotional responses.
Our brand’s name results from weaving the two latin words for text (which also means textile) and light: ‘’textum’’ & ‘’lumen’’.
Of textile origins, and true Venetian by family, birth, and primary residence, Andrea also feels at home in Como, Paris and New York, where he lived for several years following his engineering studies in Padua. His passion for light, design, technology, and Venice, led to his original conversation with Stefano about creating Texlum.
Ever since his studies in Economics at Ca’ Foscari, Stefano feels a sort of devotion for Venetian eclectism, which he has treasured and always carried in his backpack throughout a multi-sector, globe-trotting, sales & marketing career. Joining Andrea in Venice to create Texlum felt nothing but a natural step to make.